The Modern Day Diet Solution
The Diet Solution Program is a tried-and-true weight loss program that is clinically proven and guaranteed to reveal fast results. Isabel De Los Rios who owns New Body, the New Jersey fitness and nutrition center, created this weight loss program that trains people how to alter their eating habits. The ultimate goal is to develop an eating strategy that the person dieting can stick to.
The Diet Solution's core philosophy is based on the metabolic typing principal. Once you answer a series of questions you'll be able to determine which type has a specific dietary approach. The types are split up into:
* Carbohydrate
* Protein
* Mixed
Once you have completed the body type analysis and questionnaire you're then able to progress to choosing your diet.
Pro Points For The Diet Solution
1. It is not a fad diet. This is a nutrition life style program focusing on long term benefits, not quick fixes.
2. The program is explained in laymans terms.
3. Customized meal plans based on body types.
4. Emphasis on nutritious foods, fruits and vegetables.
5. Focuses on healthy fats for fat loss purposes.
6. Numerous meal plans.
7. A very useful quick start guide which allows the user to get directly into the diet straight away.
8. Very good support by email for all your dietary questions throughout the process.
Price ( GBP, USD )
The Diet Solution- £30.32
VAT: £6.06
Payment £36.38
The Diet Solution- $47.00
VAT: $9.40
Payment $56.40
Immediate access to this product is available once payment is approved.
There is a free video available at the product link below where Isabel De Los Rios and her business partner explain the Diet Solution process in more depth. In this video you'll be shown a system to burn off 10% of your unwanted weight in body fat in the next 30 days..... and continue to burn it off every month until you have the body you've always wanted. So what are you waiting for? click the link below to be taken to the free video and product page:
Click Here!